The Pastukhov Academy for many years has been working hard on preserving the heritage which left after the outstanding member of the Russian dynasty of manufacturers and merchants, N.P. Pastukhov. A lot of archive materials on life and activity of the Pastukhov family are collected. Jointly with the Yaroslavl Historical Museum the exhibition “To the city with the good faith and fidelity” was organized in the year 2007. A new holiday “The Patron Day” was dated for the thousandth anniversary of Yaroslavl. For the first time this holiday was celebrated on the 9th of December, 2010.

Two volumes, dedicated to the life and activity of the Pastukhov family – “ Have the honor of being Yours” and “Hereditary Ennobled” , were published.
A presentation of the third volume “Asking my children to live in peace and harmony”, which completed the trilogy about the Pastukhov dynasty, took place on the 30th of June, 2011. Descendants of the Pastukhov family, now living in Australia, Canada, the USA, Switzerland, France and England, took part in the solemn action. They met each other thanks to the work on the trilogy.

In the bounds of the presentation  the round table “Charity and Patronage: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow” was held with the descendants of the Pastukhov family, authors of trilogy, historians, philosophers and representatives of “The Patrons’ Council of Yaroslavl”. The exhibition of the Yaroslavl aquarellist, the member of the Union of artist of Russia, Ivan Bukharin was solemnly opened in the main hall of the Academy.