Postgraduate Programmes:

  • 38.06.01 Economics
  • 39.06.01 Social Science
  • 27.06.01 Management in Technical Systems

Thesis supervisors are doctors and advanced doctors of science.

The activity of the Postgraduate Programmes Department is governed by the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ «On Education in the Russian Federation», Russian regulations, the Charter of Pastukhov Academy, and the Statute “On Postgraduate Study” of Pastukhov Academy.

Ph.D. Programs

Area of training Expertise Period of study
 38.06.01 Economics Economics and national economic management (by industries and fields of activity, including: economics, organization and management of enterprises, branches, complexes; environmental economics; standardization and product quality control)  4 years
39.06.01 Social Science Sociology of management 4 years
27.06.01 Management in Technical Systems Standardization and product quality control 5 years

Ph.D. Thesis

A candidate for PhD must have a current higher education. During three years of a PhD program, a candidate for Ph.D. takes courses to satisfy degree requirements and gain a broad knowledge of the field. A doctoral student chooses an advisor and writes a dissertation (Ph.D. thesis), and develops a working relationship with other professors at the Chair. Most doctoral students also work as teaching assistant during this time, and some work as research assistants. At the end of the second or third year, PhD students complete a thesis, take comprehensive exams or both. A candidate for Ph.D. work not totally isolated, however closely with a thesis advisor and others at the Chair to revise and refine a dissertation. When Ph.D. thesis is finally finished, a doctoral student is required to present his work first to the Chair and Scientific Council and then defend it before Dissertation Council.