Pastukhov State Academy of Industrial Management (Pastukhov Academy) carries on working in the field of management training methodology. The result of a long-term research is the concept of staff innovation and project concept of training for quality management of companies.

The Basis of Staff Innovation and Project Concept of Training

The efficiency of education is higher if managers during the training are solving their own problems and knowledge is provided for a concrete problem.
Training is a component part of a real project aimed at supporting the process of its implementation. The result of training is not only new competences but also carrying out into practice a project task.
On the one hand a manager is involved in problem solving activities with the assistance of all team. On the other hand he is trying to help the team.
Training consists of some modules, during their implementation a manager is completely detached from his work and immersed in the creative process.
During the training we try to help solving such problems as building effective collaboration of team members, self-determination in relation to new ideas and tasks, a development of new tools of management.

Innovation seminar

For realization of this concept such form of education process is applied as Innovation seminar (Innovation game). Unlike business, role and imitation games Innovation Game does not have a known in advance substantial result or a strict algorithm. This is a technology of the complex solving of weakly-structured problems with the usage of group dynamics. Firstly teachers here are like consultants on the effective teamwork over the problems which are put to a group, and secondly teachers are as bearers of substantial knowledge which is given in doses, only when a necessary inquiry appears.

Training results

A participant of the education process receives knowledge on the given problem not only through dialogue with teachers, but also by intensive information interchange in working groups. And unlike traditional forms of training two extra results appear (it is important for top management): abilities and skills of organizational social and psychological team management, building effective communications, and also new means and methods of solving problems of one’s own management activity. Innovation Seminars in complex with information modules and consulting are steps to a real project, on the output of which is a concrete change in a company.