Pastukhov State Academy of Industrial Management (Pastukhov Academy) is entitled to rendering educational service — License № 2098 dd 24.10.2011.

The Academy has approval given by Ministry of Property of Russia for professional retraining in field of valuation activity (resolution № 1775-р dd 02.07.2002).

The Academy is accredited in the system of staff training of European organization for quality (License № 51/2008 dd 01.02.2008).
Pastukhov Academy has the right to train specialists for work with hazardous waste (registered in the register of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation № 76/0703/1 dd 17.09.2003) and for labor protection (resolution № 29 dd 09.11.2000 given by Department of social security of the Administration of Yaroslavl region).

The Academy is the study-and-methodical center under Institute of Resource Supply Development of Procurement Management and Product Sales for State and Municipal Requirements named after A.B. Solovyov and of State Educational Institution of higher professional education of the State University — Higher School of Economy for experts training in field of public procurement with the right of their registration in the register of Ministry of Economic Development of Russia (Protocol № 3 dd 04.04.2000).

Pastukhov Academy is the active member of the Academy of the problems of Quality, Institute of professional accountants of Russia and Yaroslavl Trade and Industrial Chamber.


Qualified staff of the Academy consists of 15% of Doctors of Science and 65% of Ph.D. The qualification of lecturers and consultants allows not only high-efficiency training, but also understanding of the enterprise problems, focusing the enterprises on the comprehension and solution of problems in the learning process.

Special skills of staff:

  • EOQ-managers and EOQ-auditors in quality and environment;
  • Experts in Government Prize in quality of Russia;
  • Anti-crisis managers of the Federal service of Russia on financial rehabilitation and bankruptcy;
  • Professional accountants of Russia;
  • Auditors of general and insurance audits;
  • Professional appraisers of enterprise value;
  • Consultants of  ISCRa;
  • Experts of the TACIS programme for international procurement;
  • Experts in certification of industrial facilities for compliance with the requirements of labor protection.


Acting Rector of the Academy

Andrey Tikhonov

+7 (4852) 30-80-21

Scientific supervisor

+7 (4852) 30-35-83
+7 (4852) 30-36-15

Vice-rector in Teaching Work

Elena Safonova

+7 (4852) 32-03-64

Vice-Rector for Digital Development and Communications

Gorokhov Vladimir

+7 (4852) 67-94-43